<p>(*assuming I get good enough scores on my exams to get the dredit)</p>
<p>Are APs just replacements for generals eds?</p>
<p>Sorry about this being in the wrong section, I have no idea where to put it.</p>
<p>(*assuming I get good enough scores on my exams to get the dredit)</p>
<p>Are APs just replacements for generals eds?</p>
<p>Sorry about this being in the wrong section, I have no idea where to put it.</p>
<p>That entirely depends on the university you attend. Some are very generous with AP credit. Some don’t give credit but will allow you to take the higher level class. Some don’t accept AP credits at all. Universities usually have their policies and list classes and any credit given listed on their websites.</p>
<p>Policy varies by college (and sometimes by division or major).</p>
<p>Go to the college’s web site and put “AP credit” in the search box to find out for each college.</p>
<p>If the course that can be skipped is an important prerequisite to other courses, it would be a good idea to review the old final exams for the course to check your knowledge against the college’s course. The old final exams are often searchable on the college’s web site (put “[course number] final exam” in the search box).</p>
<p>Different colleges have different guidelines. Just google the college and AP credit and I’m sure you’ll find a table with which AP classes can give you which credits, or none at all. Also, compare it to a list of general ed classes you would need. It would be helpful to research this before taking some AP classes, because AP language and AP literature generally give you the same exact credits. Also, you’d only have to take AP government or AP macroecon for your general studies. Classes like AP US History, AP statistics, AP chemistry, and AP psych are all good classes to take regardless of your major. If you were going to be a science/engineering major I’d also suggest AP calculus b/c and AP physics. Medical you should take AP bio. ETC. Just research colleges and suggested courses. </p>
<p>Also, if you want to finish your general ed as fast as possible, also look into CLEP exams.</p>