Does that help if we report the HSK score to the colleges?

My son took the HSK level 4 exam (Chinese proficiency test conducted by Chinese colleges to test the proficiency of non-Chinese speakers, to the purpose to recruit foreign students, a bit like TOEFL) in his middle school and got a good score, I mean good enough to be admitted by a Chinese college.

He didn’t take Chinese class in high School. He sit in AP French and got a solid 5.

Many people said that HSK 4 is actually more difficult than AP Chinese.

If we report the score to the colleges he applies for, would that help or hurt?


I don’t think it wouldl hurt, but I also don’t think it would significantly help. He never took a corresponding class, as I understand. Generally colleges are more interested in the classes you take and the grades you get in those classes, rather than just a test score. If had taken Chinese classes in high school, the score would validate his learning in those classes, but that’s not the case.

In addition, most colleges will be perfectly happy to see that he has taken French through AP level and that will satisfy any language requirement. I think the French is enough.

The HSK score is fine and you can submit it if you want, but I don’t think it is something that would move the needle on admissions.

It would help to submit the score following admission if he plans to take Chinese in college as the test score would help with placement into advanced classes.

Thank you very much.

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