Does the Gen Chem class use its Recitation Time?

<p>We’re helping a student with his schedule, and the recitation time for Gen Chem has been moved to 8am on Monday. </p>

<p>Does anyone know if the Gen Chem 101 class uses its recitation time?</p>

<p>Whether it uses it or not, the student will not be able to schedule anything else at this time. Been there, done that.</p>

<p>Oh I know that.</p>

<p>The issue is that the recitation time is 8am on Monday morning. Not conflicting with anything; just not liking having an 8am class on Mondays.</p>

<p>So, we want to know if the time is used or not. If not, then the student won’t have to go to it except for the occasional req’d times.</p>