Does this look bad on a transcript?

Hi Guys,

I’m currently a sophomore. At my school, freshman and sophomores are required to take an integrated science course(level 1 and 2 respectively) with chem, bio, and earth sciences integrated in the course. I’m currently taking the 2nd level of it, but the honors version. I was told that usually competitive colleges look for all 3 “core” science classes(chemistry, bio, and phys) seperately, but I don’t think that I can fit in all 3 of them into my schedule within the next two academic years, so I was wondering–would it look bad to take a condensed yearlong Honors Chemistry course over the summer and then to not take any other primarily chemistry-based courses in highschool? (Btw schedule for next year is as follows: AP Bio, Envi Sci, Eng. Lang, USH, Honors Precalculus, AP Spanish(online b/c scheduling issue), AP Psych(online & yearlong – not offered at school).


No it would not look bad at all although I wouldn’t do that to make room for AP Psych since that is not a very rigorous or thorough class. I assume that your reasons are that you can’t fit the actual class in because of actual conflicts during the school day.

I’m not taking AP Chem primarily because of how crazy of a class it is at my school. I would have been taking AP Spanish in school, but there was a scheduling conflict with that unfortunately.

Could u do chem instead of APES?

my college counselor urged me not to do that :frowning:

You should not be held accountable. You cannot help your school requirements.