<p>I am an international student from Asia and I was admitted through ED2 by Trinity College. I am sure that the academic will be really great there, but Princeton Review ranks trinity as the No.1 Least race/class interaction. I want to know if there is some class or race discrimination going on in this school? Are minorities or foreigners treated differently? And if you are a current student or if you are related to some Trinity students or staff. What do they say about the social scene about trinity? And I like colleges that have friendly and really open-minded students, so how about trinity? Thank you!</p>
<p>no one knows?</p>
<p>Seems like something you should’ve looked into before applying ED.</p>
<p>In any case, thank you for posting this in two different threads. There are few minorities at Trinity. More often than not, they stick together. The sparsity and cohesiveness of the minorities make interracial mingling difficult.</p>
<p>Thank you, BantamBoy. Could you tell me more about trin life? Especially life regarding international students?</p>
<p>"The sparsity and cohesiveness of the minorities make interracial mingling difficult. "</p>
<p>That’s just not true. When D was applying to college, we found there to be considerably more cross-race socializing at a number of elite LACs - - but not at Trinity. As a result, D never completed her application to Trinity. </p>
<p>Like BantamBoy, I have posted on the other “racism” thread.</p>
<p>"The sparsity and cohesiveness of the minorities make interracial mingling difficult. "</p>
<p>You’re blaming the minorities?? That’s seriously insane. My friend is in Trinity Class of '12. He was literally ****ed off at the way the locals treated him. He’s friends with all the other internationals now.</p>
Are u talking about AJ, the kid from Pakistan??
(I didn’t want to blurt out his name on a public forum :)</p>
<p>NNinj@, sadly, you already did. I know the guy you were talking about.</p>