I sent my AP Scores to UVA when I took my exams back in May. I know some colleges have already released AP scores on their respective college portal. I tried looking for my AP scores on the SIS, but couldn’t find them. I also couldn’t find any of my older AP scores posted anywhere either. Does UVA have them posted somewhere? Thanks.
@MrWiggles if the scores have been recorded in SIS, you’d find them in Student Center (large module on the home page) -> Academics -> Transfer Credit: Report (click on the drop down menu that says “other academic” to do this and then press the blue “>>” button) -> Test Credits.
The scores may not be up yet, so if you don’t see them there, don’t worry about it just yet; if they still aren’t up by the time classes start in August, you should contact the registrar. Hopefully this helps!
Also, I may be incorrect on this, but I believe you can still enroll in courses that require a prerequisite that you tested out of before said prerequisite test exemption is posted on SIS. I defer to the registrar and orientation staff on this, though.