does UW-Madison accept UMN PSEO credits?

<p>i can't seem to find that info online.</p>

<p>What are PSEO credits?</p>

<p>Just ran across another thread (Parent's Forum) with a link describing the term. I would imagine UW would treat the credits awarded by a college the same way, regardless of whether they were taken before or after HS graduation. In Wisconsin there is Youth Options whereby students can take college courses not offered at their HS without extra tuition costs, your program sounds similar. No guarantee the credits will transfer, it depends on the courses. You should contact UW to see if your particular course credits will transfer, just as any transferring college student would need to. Also- if a school allows AP credits then actual college courses are likely to be given credit as well.</p>

<p>thanks wis75, very helpful</p>