Does UW Madison have any capped majors?

I got into the a school for biology, but really that’s just one of like 5 interests that I can see myself majoring in. At a school like UCSD or Berkeley, if you don’t get into a “capped” major from the beginning there is practically no hope of ever getting in. At UW Madison, is this something I will have to fear? Or is trouble getting your major basically non existent? And for reference, the other majors I’m interested in are basically all the stereotypically hard to get into majors. So even if there are one or two, please say so as they are probably one of my five haha.

You need to look at the requirements for the majors that interest you. Some engineering majors, nursing and teaching all have limits due to resources available to allow students to get the required courses in a timely fashion. Have never heard of the term “capped” used at UW. You may not get into some if you are not as competitive as others- gpa, essays et al as specified.

Ah. That’s not so bad. It’s just that at some colleges if you don’t eat into your major off the bat it is like practically impossible to get in later. So you can go to this college and not even be able to major in your interest, which is pretty scary.

@SirKhazatsky It’s the same with Berkeley? (Asides from the capped major)

Yes I just realized this today touring it. A friend had miss informed me. My apologies.

I don’t know what you define as “hard to get in to” majors.

I believe it’s easy to switch majors within arts and science, but check.

Every undergrad was admitted to the university as a whole. Getting into some majors can be competitive because there are more students that want the major than the university can accommodate- ie students getting required classes in a timely fashion. The biggest problem with switching majors is perhaps needing more time to fulfill requirements, especially if the change is made later in one’s college career. So far I know of no majors in any school/college where the decision is made upon college entry with no means of getting into it later. Pros and cons- you do not know if you will get into the major later but you are not excluded if you didn’t choose it as a HS applicant.

Perhaps you want to major in something with competitive application requirements based on your college career. If you are not admitted after trying (more than once?) perhaps you should choose something else you would like. An example would be a specific field of engineering. L&S (the default for most entering students and the one most get degrees from) doesn’t seem to have any of those restrictions. Computer science beginning courses may fill up and I believe are only open to freshmen and sophomores. If you do not have interest in taking those early on you likely don’t want them anyhow.

Biology is a field with many related majors. Check the website.