Does VT take rec letters?

<p>im applying to udnergrad, and i cant find a place to turn in rec letters and they dont use the common app, so do they want rec letters?</p>


<p>We were at a visitation not too long ago and this same question was asked. The dean of admissions summed it up nicely - (heavy paraphrase here) “We stopped reading letters because, surprisingly, they all said the student was amazing” She was able to say it with a bit of humor and got a chuckle from the audience. </p>

<p>I am looking at the VT Application Checklist my daughter printed. At the bottom of the “what we need from you” portion is this “Letters of recommendation are not requested; however if an applicant chooses to send one, it must accompany the high school transcript”
I wonder if perhaps someone didn’t catch that this was on the checklist. I would hate to waste teacher time if they will just throw it away.</p>

<p>@dtchgrl‌ OK. I’ll accept that I did not remember the quote completely accurately. I guess it’s better to say that they don’t require a letter. But I do think the dean made it clear how much weight they put on them. My gut says that it would make a difference in some very unique circumstances.</p>

<p>When an admissions lady visited my high school, she basically said the same quote from @kebauc and my guidance counselor said that even if you do send one, they’ll probably just put them aside in a pile… so don’t send one. Better to listen to their sayings then send one anyways</p>

My high school sent in my letters and they were received, however, VT is a data driven school and they do not require letters. They base acceptances based primarily on your GPA and SAT scores. They can’t hurt you, so I would send them in if you have them, otherwise, I wouldn’t bother.

They will take them with your transcripts, however they probably only matter in very specific circumstances