<p>So, all along I've been looking at tons of LACS (WAS, W&L, Colby, Bowdoin, Davidson, Pomona, CMC, Grinnell, Middlebury), because I was interested in smaller colleges with an undergraduate focus, and a liberal arts college-curriculum.</p>
<p>Some time later, someone suggested I looked at Dartmouth because it fit my needs perfectly. I took a look at some stuff, and overall I did love it. So I kind of added Dartmouth to my list.</p>
<p>Then some time later someone mentioned I could like Princeton, Brown, Yale and Harvard because it fit me well. So I started looking, and am currently looking at those, but these three are still a bit of a mystery to me.</p>
<p>Here's the jist of me</p>
<li><p>I'm interested in a university with a great undergraduate emphasis. I guess it's a bit stupid for me to be saying this about a research university, but I don't want to just be taught by assistant professors/PH.D students, I want to work with world class professors whom don't just shun me aside for grad students.</p></li>
<li><p>I want an institution which has great business school placement.</p></li>
<li><p>I need a school that has great top-firm/business recruitment (since I believe they do scout you when you are an undergrad).</p></li>
<li><p>I desire a college which has a great career-center, as well as plenty of internship/job opportunities.</p></li>
<li><p>I definetly want small classes. I realize that there will always be some classes which have alot of students, but for the most part I desire smaller classes. </p></li>
<li><p>I definetly will be applying for financial aid. We have no significant assets to speak of, a sister is in a state school on no financial aid/scholarships, and my parents' combined income is 85-90,000</p></li>
<p>Obviously I realize Yale is a reach for everyone, so if I come off sounding as if I could get into it...or a top LAC, or another Ivy, I do not mean it. I am just asking if Yale, by these criteria, could be a good fit for me. I would be honored to get into any top 50 LAC, university, or ivy.</p>
<p>if you need more information on me, please ask. And thank you for any help you provide.</p>