<p>Does anyone know if they still do dog-labs at Harvard, and other "top" medical school. For those unfamiliar: It's the procedure where you-the medical student dissect a living dog (usually a stray about to be euthanized), to gain a better understanding of physiological functions within living creature's. I could be wrong but I think the focus is on dissection of the heart.--It's one of the reasons I wanted to go to medical school, and am just wondering which schools are continuing the practice.</p>
<p>Sorry correction-Have found Harvard has since terminated dog lab, and UVA raises it's own (beagles) to perform dissection- apparently to gain a better phsiological understanding of a living heart. That's suddenly very sad...anyway I think 15% in the nation still perform the procedure for first-year's mainly, so if you've got information/opinions share.</p>