Domestic violence and medical residents

Although, it’s well documented that medical students and medical residents have higher rates of suicide than their peers, there’s another issue that receives less attention: domestic violence.

Internship and residency are extremely stressful times and sometimes the person who can’t cope is the spouse/partner.

A Utah FM resident who graduated from UCSF last year was murdered by her longtime BF Sunday night.

In November a EM resident at Mercy Hospital was murdered by an ex-BF who stalked her and followed into the hospital with a handgun. A police officer and a pharmacy intern were also killed.

Are there any statistics to say these are out of the ordinary?

Some studies have been done in the UK and Australia, though there are no equivalent data for the US.

According to the UK study, 45% of all female healthcare workers had reported having experiencing one or more or instances of DV during their working careers.

ETA: an Australian study last year found female healthcare workers were more than twice as likely than their peers to have experience DV in the recent past.

Neither study separated out physician data specifically.

[“It happens to clinicians too”: an Australian prevalence study of intimate partner and family violence against health professionals](“It happens to clinicians too”: an Australian prevalence study of intimate partner and family violence against health professionals - PMC)

A Report on Workplace Violence presented at the State Hospital Association Forum in 2016-- Between 2012 and 2015, 33 female nurses and physicians were killed in hospitals while working in the US; 12 of those murders were at the hands of a spouse or domestic partner.

Domestic violence affects all segments of society; the numbers are stark.

According to the girl in this video (, it is best to date someone in the medical field so (s)he can understand why you are so busy. What do you think?