Dominican student - chances at NYU, Brandeis, Boston University

<p>First off, I know my standardized test scores are horrible. For this reason, I came on here to see if anyone can tell me if I at least have a little chance or no chance at all.
I am a Hispanic (Dominican to be exact) living in Arizona. I am the valedictorian of my class (4.0 UW 4.78 W) with mainly AP classes then the rest are honors. I've done National Honors Society, Student Goverment, editor of literary magazine, and Site council. I also created my own club here at my school, the Anti Bullying club. I've volunteered at a food bank and a position at a hospice. My sat is 1710-> 650 M, 480 CR, 580 W. My act is 25. I did really try my hardest at these tests, such as studying for weeks and buying all those big books. Still to this day I do not understand why I kept not getting the scores I wanted. The day of the test I just freak out and do horrible with timing. I also took some subject tests even though they're not necessary -> 670 math 2, 670 math 1. I know it is stupid to take two math subject tests so do not bash me for it please. I talked to my cousin who goes to Brandeis and she says I have a shot but she is probably just being nice. Application deadlines are nearing so I can not retake those tests. I heard if I got wait listed then I should retake them but I really do not know. Please tell me if it is impossible or not.</p>

<p>I have already posted this in another forum but a moderator recommended to post this on the hispanic forums.</p>

<p>I don’t do chance threads because frankly I don’t think they have much worth. Plus in your situation I think your grades and activities are strong so only the college you apply to will have the answer.</p>

<p>I do suggest that you add some colleges to your list that are test option; meaning they could care less about your test scores. These schools can be found at [SAT/ACT</a> Optional 4-Year Universities | FairTest](<a href=“]SAT/ACT”>ACT/SAT Optional List - Fairtest) At such schools you would be a strong candidate since you are URM and with high grades/ECs. </p>

<p>Sorry it is not the answer you want to hear but if you like those schools then apply. Follow-up with an email to the admission rep for your area as well as of the office of diversity or multi-cultural affairs. Tell them of your interest in attending the schools and your grades/ecs. Although your test scores are not high; they are not horrible; trust me I have seen much worse. If you look at Brandies on you will see that 43% are accepted with your math score and 20% with your CR score so I think you should throw them an application. [Brandeis</a> University Admissions Information - CollegeData College Profile](<a href=“]Brandeis”> Also see if any of those schools listed have a Latino recruiter in the admissions office. Write to that person to to express your interest and to ask about any special visit programs etc. </p>

<p>Spend less time on cc and more on filling out your applications since you can’t be considered unless you apply. Keep up with your grades and Good Luck!!</p>

<p>Also be sure to apply for financial aid by the deadlines.</p>

<p>To clarify the moderator said:</p>



<p>Which was apparently too subtle a hint ;).</p>

<p>wow. i had the same SAT scores as you. i got into nyu, bu and brandeis. all with scholarships. nyu 18,550. bu and brandeis around 27000. i am also a hispanic student. good luck</p>