Don't Come to UA

<p>See lol. Yes it sucks very much, because an extra 300-600 dollars is a ton of money. That’s money that could be spent on food, gas, etc. But momreads thanks for the info, I’ll make sure I spread the word around. I hope you’re right.</p>

<p>thats the email i got as well. But for me, when i have to take 19 hours, thats an extra 1620 bucks as an OOS student. Crap…looks like i have to keep applying for scholarships throughout college. The applications and work never ends.</p>

<p>Was getting a little bored with the lack of activity on this board, and now a flurry of activity, haha. Bama is still towards the top of my list for me though.</p>

<p>hey im still liking UA. Now i just need to get a better job than minimum wage in the summer. But seriously coollege, the people are so helpful. Im an ME major who wants to double in history, and i placed out of Chem 101. So i called the history course, asked to speak to an advisor and they put me on the phone. I told him my situation and all the AP credit that i had, and he told me i could get into an upper level course, and asked what i wanted to take so he could see if they had room. I told him, and about an hour later, i got an override permit to get into my second choice :slight_smile: - The History of the United States Navy. So Happy and it was so easy!</p>