<p>I am taking AP Physics B tomorrow and am just not ready to pass. There's no way I'll get a 3, am expecting a 1, with good guessing I might get a 2. I don't have the money to cancel it.</p>
<p>What happens if I pick "don't send in my scores" on the answer form? Will it still appear on transcripts?</p>
<p>why don’t you not take the test? it will come to the same ends as cancelling your scores. But if you still want to take the test, there is nothing that forces you to submit your AP exam scores to colleges. “Don’t send in my scores” just means that collegeboard won’t take the liberty to send your scores to a college, and most non-seniors pick that.</p>
<p>Well if you ever plan to send ANY of your AP exam scores to a college in the future, they’re going to see your physics score as well (reports are cumulative and include ALL AP exams you’ve ever taken). The only way to avoid that is to cancel your score; but you said you cannot afford that.</p>
<p>Therefore, the only option in your case seems to be to not take the exam.</p>
<p>actually maybe you can.
“You may ask for a refund if you do not begin an exam for which you have paid. Local school policy determines the amount of the refund. You will probably be required to pay the $13 fee the school is charged for each unused exam. Once you begin an exam – that is, write on an exam booklet or answer sheet – you cannot receive a refund.”</p>
<p>To cancel them, which is to strike them from your record PERMANENTLY is free. But to withhold them from just a specific college isn’t free. Canceling them is like never taking the exam. Withholding them allows you to hide your score from certain colleges and show it to others.</p>
<p>What if you decide to cancel after you see the score? Does the grade you got still appear on your transcript, even after canceling? What would appear next to that test after canceling on your transcript?</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure your exam grade doesn’t appear on your high school transcript. Only your class and your class grade does. If they see on your transcript that you took APUSH, for example, they’ll wonder why you aren’t reporting your score.</p>
<p>Also, I don’t think you can cancel AFTER you see your score. It would make sense that you can’t, since the scores are all sent out at the same time (I think).</p>
<p>All the info is in the student pack, which I don’t have back yet.</p>
<p>on your application, you pick and choose which exam scores to send. Also, exam scores have little to no difference with your application. If you get the AP exam certificates it might look good (especially first place in state/nation) but if not then it doesn’t matter that much.</p>
<p>So if you have a ton of 5’s and 4’s and you report those, colleges won’t see that you got a 2 or a 1 on a different subject. They do see your cumulative but they generally won’t look at it.</p>
<p>Colleges won’t see the official AP report until after you are admitted. You self-report the scores you choose for them to consider, and you don’t have to write down any score on your applications you aren’t happy with. Some counselors advise sending 3s and above. Some people only report 4s and 5s.
Sure, they’ll see all of them after you enroll and send your updated transcripts and test scores, but then it won’t make any difference.</p>