Dorm Life at Old Dominion University

<p>Hey guys, I'm Lizzie. And I'll be a freshman at ODU next year and I'm in a triple in France house. I was wondering if anyone has lived in a triple in a quad before and could tell me what it's like, or if someone who has lived in France house could tell me what pros and cons of living there is. Also any other advice about ODU would be appreciated (: </p>

<p>Hello, I just graduated from ODU this Spring. I didn’t live in the dorms but I had friends that lived in them and they liked it for the most part. The dorms including France House are relatively new and pretty nice inside. I have been in Dominion House numerous times since my friends and I would meetup to study. The dorms can get loud once in awhile especially on the party nights from what my friends say but for the most part it’s pretty good.</p>

<p>Now as a freshman you should definitely go out and have fun with friends. But don’t waste your life and get drunk and hammered. I’ve met many people who never made it past there 1st year because they were too busy partying all weekend. Have fun, but in moderation. Focus on school, college is difficult and it can take more than 4 years for some people to graduate cause they fail classes over and over again.</p>

<p>Also you are in for big change at ODU. A new football stadium is going to be built soon on campus along with the New Webb Center. A new education building, chemistry building and dining hall also will soon be built on campus. ODU is becoming a better and better school academically and sports wise. Every football game for ODU has sold out so if you want a ticket make sure to get it as soon as you can. Also parking sucks on campus, but to be honest parking sucks at any college you go to. Good luck Future Monarch!! :slight_smile: </p>