Dorm options for late deciders

Hi everyone, my son is waffling and thinking he should’ve picked Alabama. Does anyone know which dorms are typically available this late in the game? One thing he really wants is a bedroom to himself (like the suites in Riverside, I think?)–are those the first to get snatched up? Or do most students want the older dorms because of their location?

Suites are all gone. Students are being placed into available spots. Mostly Paty Hall if I remember correctly. I would call housing and ask to confirm. There may be some apartments available.

Due to the “summer melt”, your son would likely initially get assigned to an older dorm (probably double occupancy) BUT could POTENTIALLY get re-assigned to a suite (or on-campus apartment) with single bedrooms by move-in time (maybe a few days before move-in date) IF he puts in a polite request with housing as soon as he gets the initial room assignment. Sometimes things will open up a little in late July/early August. Doesn’t hurt for the parent to gently follow up with Housing after the student has put in a request. There’s always a slight chance that something could open up…but certainly NO guarantees. Good luck! Note: There are also a few single rooms in some of the older (non-suite-style) dorms.

thanks for the replies! I called Housing and was told that yes, the only rooms available are doubles in older dorms. His indecision is driving me crazy! (Already committed to Pitt, but is having second thoughts.)

I would not let housing dictate my choice of college. I agree that he would likely be assigned to a traditional dorm double to start, but there are definitely kids who move from suites to traditional dorms (I saw this more with girls who went through recruitment moving from suites to Tut) and there are kids who leave fairly quickly for whatever reason, opening up some dorm rooms. It’s probably just for one year, as most students move off-campus sophomore year, and most will tell you that the traditional dorms tend to be better places to meet other students.

Love this advice: do not let housing options dictate your college choice!

Based on what we saw this past year, kids move around both in the first two weeks as suite rooms become available, and at the mid year point. There have been several FB posts in the Parent groups today celebrating moves from older dorms to the suites that were announced today, so things will continue to move around.

@beth’s mom… what does your daughter recommend for a freshman girl as far as a dorm, who plans to go through rush? A good friend of ours loved Tut, but someone else recommended Presidental over Ridgecrest. If my daughter goes here she will most likely be in the Honors college.

The Presidential isn’t an honors dorm, so if your DD is deciding between Tut and a super suites dorm, then she may want an honors dorm…one of the Ridgecrest dorms.

@mom2collegekids… she was told by a male student that many of the kids that live in Presidential are in honors and he had recommended that over Ridgecrest.

If she’s going through rush, Tut would be the best location wise. Presidential is the furthest from the houses.

My daughter didn’t go through recruitment, so she really doesn’t have an opinion. However, there are plenty of girls who choose the suite style dorms, and plenty of others who choose Tut. Tut is closer to the houses, so it’ll be much easier to get to the house for meals, study hours, etc. Tut will also be filled with other sorority girls sharing a common experience, and it tends to be easier to meet people in the traditional dorms. On the other hand, the suite style dorms will provide more privacy and nicer, newer accommodations, and there will be other sorority girls up on the north side of campus. I know girls who moved from the suite style dorms to Tut once school started, and vice versa. I think it all depends on what your daughter prioritizes.

Thank you @“beth’s mom” and @NoVADad99 . UA is her number one school so researching has been my fun activity:)

Also, some sorority girls choose Harris because it is on sorority row. But, Tutwiler is the main. Ridgecrest is Honors. But, you don’t have to live in honors housing to be honors. Plus, honors college accepts more students than we have room for.