Dorm room help? need a dissision soon.

<p>I will be majoring in biomedical science and my two choice of dorms I've narrowed down are either commons, or schumacker. Cokns would he much closer to my classes but I could only do a double bedroom. At schmacker i m a bit farther, but I get my own single bedroom. How big of an issue is walking distance? I'm only slightly concerned about the social aspect of not living with a roommate but I'm also concerned about my privacy. I feel like I need my own privacy but I want to be closer to classes. Which is better to you? Privacy or walking distance? And why? Do either of these dorms outweigh each other in terms of social life and living spaces? Which would you choose? Thank you so much! I have to decide by the end of today or maybe tomorrow which is my first and second choice. </p>

<p>I’m not familiar with the dorms but I don’t think anyone can answer that for you. Obviously lots of people do fine with a double so it would depend on why having a single is important to you. There are some people who really do “need” a single and for them a double would be a bad choice. Whatever you chose I hope you are happy with the choice. If you chose to have a room mate I hope you will get a be a good one!</p>

<p>If walking distance is an issue just get a bike. </p>