DD’s psychiatrist mentioned it, but should I be concerned with people stealing ADD medication?
A safe is a small, relatively inexpensive way to keep her medication and important stuff (passport, cash) secure. Especially if she has a roommate. Not that the roommate would necessarily steal, but roommates mean more unknown people in and out of the room. IMO, it’s worth getting a basic locking container. You’re not trying to secure the Hope Diamond, just deter casual theft from opportunists.
Some get a lock for their laptop too. Don’t need them walking away.
I would say it’s a worthwhile investment. We got one for my daughter’s passport and cash. I wasn’t so worried about roommates but if someone forgets to the lock the door or something like that.
Yes, be concerned about theft because its effects are similar to those of some illegal recreational drugs.
Bought D a lock for her laptop when she left for college. Never used. We settled for insisting that she and her roommate remember to lock the door when no one was there.
If you put your medication in generic bottles with a label only you would know, I think you generally would be ok. A safe would be ok just to be on the safe side though.
I would say it’s a worthwhile investment. We got one for my daughter’s passport and cash. I wasn’t so worried about roommates but if someone forgets to the lock the door or something like that.
thanks. Just ordered one and reminded DD to lock the dorm door.
Considering a teacher told ADD meds from my kid’s elementary school…I’d say lock.
My daughter used a safe for her medications all through college. They’re not expensive and her medication was never stolen.
The most important thing she can do is to avoid telling people she is taking ADD medication. The fewer people who know these things are available, the less likely they are to try to steal them from her.