Dorm worries!

My froomie and I have been placed in the Mosher Hall this coming Fall, and I believe we are sharing a bathroom with two other suitemates (I guess that’s what you’d call it?) in a different room. My parents were worried that those two other girls could have access to our room via our bathroom, potentially bring guys over which in turn would also have access to our room, etc… In essence, they aren’t comfortable with the thought of two strangers having free access to me and my friend’s room. Should I be worried about this or will I be ok?

Most 4-person suites have locking doors. I would presume you could lock your door to the hallway and to the bathroom (this is how Hullabaloo worked), but call the Residence Life office to make sure if that is a concern.

S2 is in Mosher this fall. Definitely call ResLife for specifics. Locking your bathroom door is something you will get used to. S1 had the same set up of sharing a bath with suite mates in an adjoining room though the layout was a little different. When he or roommate was last to leave, they lock the bathroom door to their side. So, if it brings you comfort, keep the bathroom door locked on your side when you are in residence. Odds are, your suite mates have the same concerns about you. Get to know them. If there is ever a problem, handle it with your suite mate and if you don’t get result, go to the RA.

I found this in the Reshall Handbook
Bathrooms and Showers

In residence halls with community bathrooms, opposite gender guests must use the bathroom designated for their gender.
Showers in residence halls with community bathrooms are not available for opposite gender guests.
Overnight Guests
Overnight guest(s) spending the night (sleeping over) must be of the same gender, only with the permission of the roommate and only if they do not create a disturbance or violate any rule or regulation. Overnight guest(s) may not stay in a room for more than two (2) consecutive nights, without the approval of both the roommate(s), suitemates, and the CD/GHD.

Visitation for CoEd Halls
CoEd residence Halls will have 24 hour visitation starting on the opening day of
the academic year. 24 hour visitation is for visitation purposes only. The cohabitation
policy, escort policy, and overnight guest policy still apply to residence halls with 24 hour
visitation. (p. 45-46).

S1 and S2 have a safe I purchased from Costco around $100 for important things as well as their laptop if need be. S1 had no issues in dorm but it gives piece of mind in his 4 person apartment.

@lee6666 @Thelma2 I’m assuming that the bathroom lock can be controlled from the outside then?

So usually when you have suit-mates you and your roommate have your own room and then your suit-mates have their own room. So there are 2 total rooms. You share a bathroom with them. So whoever enters the dorm has access to the bathroom. But for your room, you and your roommate only have access to it. So you can lock it. If you have more questions you can contact the residence hall services here . Since you will be living in Mosher you are on the Southside part of campus. Here is what the double rooms look like . I can see your worry about them accessing your room from the bathroom. Usually when you enter the dorm you have the bathroom not attached to the rooms then a door to the rooms. I would contact the residence hall for more info.

@Sophicles I have not been in Mosher yet or any of the commons halls, since they are under construction, we have not been able to have access to them during visitation last fall or NSC in June. For specific questions like yours about Mosher, you need to contact reslife.

Seriously though, if there have been issues with suite mates gaining access to other suite mate’s rooms via the bath or guys/girls accessing a girl’s/guy’s dorm room via the bathroom from a suite mate’s room, don’t you think logically, those kind of issues would be addressed immediately and remedied?

@Thelma2 That’s true, but I just wanted to confirm since my mom is very worried especially with news about campus sexual assaults around the nation. Thank you for the input though!
@gio123 Thank you!

Hi. I lived in mosher last year for a short period. I can tell you that there is not really a way to lock the door. The bathroom locks on the inside, as is only a button you press, so your suite mates will have access to your room if they really wanted to. My recommendation: get out of mosher. I moved out for a reason. Its always cold, and the “living learning community” helps, but itsnt what I thought it would be. My air conditioner in the room was broken, and stuck at 60.
In your situation, I would simply talk to your suite mates and tell them not to let people go into your room, and I personally had to deal with this issue- I found random people in my room sometimes, and I wasn’t too happy about it.

Yeah I lived in Mosher from 2012-2013, and I don’t think you can lock the bathroom door from the outside. Like zwardeh said, you can only lock it from the inside. It kind of makes sense that it’s like that because your roommate can’t lock you in the bathroom. It’s a catch 22 though since it allows suitemates to walk into your room freely.

Maybe there is something inexpensive you can purchase that you can wedge in the door from your suite side to kind of lock it. I’d give Amazon a browse to see what you can find.

@Quirky813 That’s what my roommate and I were going to do. Just a wooden wedge block!