Dorming Question

Can you dorm with someone in a learning community if you are not doing one?
Does Katherine/St. Monica have kids dorming there who are not doing learning communities?
Or does all the freshman just get moved to Stanford hall

I’m pretty sure that if you request each other, and early enough before the deadline, you can have a non-learning community/learning community pairing. Have a good time at Nova!

I do not remember any students paired who were not in the same learning community… that being said I don’t think it’s impossible, but the whole point of the learning community is to have all of the students in the program live with each other.

If you are in a learning community your roommate does not also have to be in it or vice versa. Yes for the most part they are because they want you all t live together but I was in a learning community my freshman year and my roommate was not. Its really just random.