Dorms at UW Madison

I am looking at the housing options at UW Madison right now. I’m not too picky with living conditions. Where is the best place to live?

Do a search on this board for housing or dorms and you will find a wealth of information about different options. Bottom line, UW does a lottery rather than a “first in line” housing assignment, and students must rank all dorms, not just their top few. The first decision is usually dorm neighborhood – southeast vs. lakeshore.

Ditto the above.

Too many factors go into the best dorms for YOU. What works for you won’t work for someone else. Friends, same major… can have different ideas of where to live.

583 Sellery Hall

Above- surely you jest! Opposite of my tastes. OP- you need to research on the Res Halls website and do Google Earth or other maps.

Also if you want to know what you are getting up front there are a number and wide range of private dorms and housing options too. Two of many.