<p>brown needs minors</p>
<p>They aren't going to allow minors, they only grudgingly allow majors.</p>
<p>Effulgent, first off, you're wrong to say that you will have "a little knowledge in two areas" rather than more int he other. Double concentrating still requires that you take as many courses in your concentration as you would if it were a separate concentration.</p>
<p>Second off, it's entirely, "un-Brown" to take anything because it'll look good ony our transcripts. Peopel come to Brown because they want the chance to learn what they want and do what htey want. In the case of the OP, she/he would love to get involved in theatre production and perhaps representation law and feels that Brown's strong program in the theater arts combined with an economics degree will bring her/him not only joy in learning the material, but also, will position him/her in a unique position of understanding both sides of what she will be doing-- with formal training in performance and production, she/he will have greater understanding of what the artistic side of the business is looking for and needs while also understand what the economics can support.</p>
<p>Bottomline, let people do what they want, study what they want, because that's the entire idea of the open curriculum-- go as deep or shallow into as many or few topics as you so desire. Take classes because you want to learn that material, you're interested by it, inspired by it, or think it will help you in the long run, who cares? Do so for your own motivations, whatever that may be, beacuse you learn best and most when you want to be where you are.</p>
<p>Buhbye now!</p>