Double major: engineering and music

<p>Is this possible? If so, how many years would it take to finish and how difficult would it be?</p>


<p>Additional major in the College of Letters and Science
Undergraduate engineering students may earn an additional major in the College of Letters and Science and have the additional major noted on their transcript at the time of graduation. To qualify, the student must have approval in advance from both the department in the College of Letters and Science offering the major and the academic dean of the College of Engineering, and must satisfy all requirements for the Letters and Science major by the time the engineering degree is completed. Requirements for the engineering degree and the second major must be satisfied at the same time. </p>

<p>Engineering students frequently earn additional majors in math, physics, or computer science–subjects that overlap efficiently with engineering curricula. By working closely with academic advisers, students can incorporate majors in other interest areas but should be prepared to extend their time to graduation to accommodate the extra credits. </p>

<p>Time wise and everything you are probably looking at 5 years.</p>

<p>Go for it. You can always change your mind once you are there. You may decide that while engingineering is your vocation (practical for jobs), music is your avocation. You may also decide to take as many music related courses as you can but not bother with the official major. Math and music go together in many ways so I am not surprised you want to combine the two. Try it and see how it works.</p>

<p>Thank you guys, this helped a lot.</p>