Double major in Nursing and Social Work?

<p>Is this a bad idea? I don't know which one I want to be.</p>

<p>Doing a double major in both Nursing and Social Work would most probably require you to attend college for 5 years (unless you were to take courses in a number of summer/winter sessions) as Nursing curriculums at most all universities tend to allow for little time to take sufficient courses to complete a double major in 4 yrs. If you plan on following through on this you should apply for admission to the Nursing major and once accepted, you could then add the Social Work major. If you initially apply as a Social Work major you might have major difficulties in trying to add the Nursing major (due to very limited slots at most schools). You might want to consider being a Nursing major with a minor in Social Work. This would be much more doable. In addition, once you have been at college for a while and decided to switch to Social Work (and leave Nursing), this would be fairly easy to do. </p>

<p>You might want to consider doing some volunteer work at hospitals in order to get a better feel if Nursing is right for you. Best of luck to you.</p>