Double Major/Math and Music

<p>So, I'm thinking about going to VA Tech but I honestly have no idea what I want to study. I think I want to major in math but I really don't want to give up on playing trumpet. I was just wondering if a Math/Music double major would even be realistic and if not, what does being a music minor entail?
Thanks for the advice.</p>

<p>I think that a Math major/music minor is definitely doable, it’ll probably consist of an extra class ever semester. Check out the curriculum here: [Curriculum</a> | Department of Music | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Curriculum”></p>

<p>I would recommend straying away from a double major. In general, double majors don’t carry with them a good cost-benefit ratio, especially with something like music. Instead, just go for the minor and choose your electives in a manner that you end up taking the interesting classes that you want to take.</p>

<p>Yeah…while you might not be stressed intellectually doing both, you will have ZERO time if you want a good GPA. There is essentially no overlap between classes; overlap is what makes double engineering majors feasible.</p>

<p>Music minor maybe? You could always just join music performance groups, which is what a lot of people in your situation do.</p>

<p>D’s bff is an engineering major, music minor and knows a double major in engineering and music.</p>

<p>I honestly think it is very do-able. I have a friend who was a music major and they said it wasn’t too bad. As for double majoring, I’m not sure if that would give you any kind of benefit in the job market. Now if you were going to do something like audio engineering with a minor in music, that might be beneficial since you will have in depth knowledge of what you were engineering. I agree with everyone else on this forum and say it is probably best to minor in it or just choose between them. I’m not very familiar with either department, so it is probably best for you to just do your research. You can check VT’s department websites for Math and Music. If you find a curriculum, course layout page, you can always check:
<a href=“http://www.k%5B/url%5D”>www.k</a> o o f e r (take out the spaces)
and check the class at VT for an average GPA of students who took the class.
That is my best advice for you. Best of luck to you.
If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to send me a PM.</p>