Double Major versus Double Degree - Finance and Journalism

Need a little help. My son is at UW-Madison now and is pursuing a dual major in Biology and Env Science. There have been zero issues for him all have been very helpful. Loves everything about UW.

Daughter has UW as her 1st choice for school and mom and I are making sure it fits for her. She wants to pursue a Finance and Journalism dual major and figure out her passion later on. Maybe to become an investment type journalist, maybe focus on finance and investments only, maybe be an unemployed journalist. Who knows!

Anyway, I approached the J school with this to ensure it works. They are suggesting it does not. Something about the two majors being two distinct degrees from two distinct schools.

I was pretty surprised.

Anyone here have any thoughts of helpful hints?


It’s not allowed.

Maybe she could double major in economics and journalism instead, and take some finance classes in the business school. Or, major in journalism and complete a certificate in the business school.

You can major in journalism and get a certificate in business, and according to this website journalism majors have been known to do this.

Contact information for the Certificate in Business advisors. They may be able to help you with information on if the upper level finance courses are available to a non-business major.


The UW requirements are confusing and not very flexible as far as double majors are concerned.
Your daughter’s options appear to be :
Journalism + Economics double major (and, possibly some finance electives)
Journalism major + Certificate in Business
Business degree with a Finance major

Depending on your daughter’s interests in finance, one other major to consider is the Personal Finance major in the School of Human Ecology. This major offers tracks in Financial Planning or in Consumer Finance.
I didn’t find any information about completing an additional major (e.g., journalism) outside the School of Human Ecology. I doubt the Journalism School would allow a Journalism + Personal Finance major since journalism is in the College of L&S and that College seems fairly strict about not allowing non-L&S “vocational” courses from other schools at UW. That also might preclude taking some personal finance electives on the side. As for majoring in Personal Finance and taking journalism electives on the side, I imagine that it would be difficult for non-journalism majors to even get into those courses.