Double Major

Hello, I am going to start my first-year in college in about a month and I was originally planning to major in Computer Science and minor in Business. Though, after some research, I plan on taking on a dual major.

After looking at my college website, I have found out that Computer Science and Computer Engineering share a large amount of the same classes. So it would be a little easier if I double major’d in those two courses. I am told I would be in the College of Engineering if I took this option, and not in the College of Letters & Sciences.

However, I planned on minoring in Business for a reason. I am very passionate about Business, though Computer Science and Business share hardly any classes. It would take a lot more time and work, though I’m sure I could make it. I am not sure about which College department I would be with this option.

However, I’m doing this for my resume as much as for myself. Which of the two options would companies like more? Thanks!

UW-Madison does not have minors.

However, non-School of Business students can earn a Certificate in Business.

I can’t speak to your exact situation, but I can say that I know of lot of CS/Computer Engineering double majors.

What I can say is that I have a major and a certificate that are in different colleges. My certificate is through CALS and my major is in L&S. I don’t think it should be too big of an issue. CoE is pretty relaxed. I know the B school can be tough to deal with, but I think you’ll be fine.

It is much too soon to worry about the degree you eventually get. Once you are on campus, have some college experience and talk to advisors it will be much easier to figure out your path. For now you just need to start with courses that will get you set for future courses. Eventually you will need to determine which aspect of computing most appeals to you- hardware or software, business applications, etc. If you start with courses leading to a computer science major you will be taking the math and comp sci courses plus meeting university breadth requirements first semester.

You will need a fair amount of math beyond calculus for computer science- and some courses are cross listed in both the math and computer science departments. I know it is tempting to want to “do it all” with your interests but you will discover you will need to focus on perhaps two areas and not everything- not enough time in college to cover every subject in the depth required.

What do companies want? It depends on the company and the type of job they are filling. My son has an honors degree in math but decided to finish the comp sci major instead of grad school so he delayed his graduation to take the needed courses and his first job honed his programming skills. He is a software developer/engineer- title depends on the company (he switched). Math is an excellent background for the theoretical end of things. Someone else I know is a computer engineer- into the hardware end of things. Once you are on campus you can check on the types of job openings available to various majors in their departments. There are many paths that lead to people being in the same job description.

Right now you are still figuring out your path. It may change while you are at UW and again once you are out of school. You can also sign up for tests at the career center to help you.

btw- UW came up with the certificates some time ago for people to document they have some expertise in certain fields even though they do not have enough courses to have completed the major.