Double Majoring in the Business School

<p>Is it possible to double major within the business school? More specifically, double major in Real Estate and Finance? </p>

<p>I have been reading lately about how the real estate program at UW is one of the tops in the nation and have been considering making it my major. Most of my life I have been interested in architecture and real estate and always wanted to be an architect. But then lately after researching architecture schools and shadowing an architect, I've decided architecture was not for me. (Too much to do before becoming acreditted, not enough money, long/inconsistent hours during and after college, etc.) I decided I wanted to go into Finance then, until I found out about UW's real estate program.</p>

<p>Basically what I am asking, is if it is a good idea to double major. Commercial Real Estate/Developing seems really cool and is a good fit for both my business and architecture/real estate interests. But a degree in real estate seems a little too unconventional, especially in this economy. Majoring in finance seems a little safer and I think the degree would hold a little more weight, if you know what I mean. That's why I think doubling would be a good idea. Or is a real estate degree from Madison good enough in itself?</p>

<p>The RE degree is fine but the industry can be very cyclical and right now it’s in a down cycle so getting RE jobs this year was very difficult. That said it’s a very interesting career if you enjoy buildings and being part of them in some way. There are many subfields including development, finance, investing, and consulting so you can find the area you like best. The UW RE Alumni has a very strong group.</p>

<p>I think the double major is a very good idea and finance or accting would be my choice.</p>

<p>Though I hate the Twins, with a passion, you described me and my thoughts exactly.</p>

<p>And you can be assured I hate the Sox just as much.</p>

<p>But that’s cool though? What year are you now?</p>

<p>Most universities I know you can not double major in buisness school.</p>

<p>Not only can you double major within the School of Business at UW Madison (2 business majors), you can double major with the School of Business AND with the College of Letters and Science (for example, Accounting and Spanish).</p>

<p>[Double</a> Majoring - Undergraduate Programs - UW-Madison School of Business](<a href=“]Double”></p>

<p>Sweet, thanks!</p>

<p>Ya you can definitely double major a couple ways, for example you can do what Madison85 noted. But also, some majors in the business school, like International Relations which doesn’t require many credits, actually require you to double major.</p>

<p>I’m going to be a Sophomore. The division is going to go down to the wire, like always… And we have some many more games at the Dome, sigh…</p>

<p>Do you know how the credits stack up for this type of double major. Like would we still be able to graduate in 4?</p>

<p>(I was debating on whether I should double major with international relations or just have a minor economics. Though I do like the ideal of double majoring in economics and international relations, do you know how many credits internation relations require? For some universities I thought it’s like 50-70.)</p>

<p><a href=“Guide < University of Wisconsin-Madison”>Guide < University of Wisconsin-Madison;

<p>Looks like you need 43 credits for IB, and I’m sure a lot of them can be used for other majors like economics, so that is a viable option.</p>

(If that was in reply to my post above, I’m not looking at a IB major… I’m looking at international relations major and economics major.)</p>

<p>International relations/studies and economics are both in the College of Letters and Sciences (L&S)- not the business school. You can find the links on the UW website by typing in i… r… and choosing the uw, not people, icon to the right.</p>

<p>(I see now, looks like it typically ranges between 65-85 credits when double majoring with the two. Just out of curiousty I question if there are any majors where students usually don’t double major.)</p>

<p>Oh my bad I misread what you asked the first time Coolbreeze sorry. I just assumed it was IB because this was originally a business thread. Sorry about that :)</p>


<p>Im not sure if this applies to the business school or not, but it does to “double majoring” in general I think.</p>

<p>UW also has in several of their “colleges” (L&S & Education (Studio Art)) what is called an “Individual Major”. You can read up on it here [University</a> of Wisconsin-Madison: Undergraduate Majors](<a href=“]University”> . You would probably need to call a guidance counselor within your specific colleges to see how it would apply.</p>

<p>An example of what my daughter is interested in is; Psychology, Creative Writing, and Studio Art… which might all tie in with her potential interest in “Art Therapy”. </p>

<p>My understanding at this point (she needs to look into it further) is that in a case like hers if she made a good argument of why a certain combination of classes would make sense and have a logical outcome, or “knowledge set” for lack of a better term, then she could do an Individual Major. I think one of the benefits is that she would be considered a “major” in all 3 areas and thus be eligable to take class that are only open to majors in some areas, assuming that she still met all prerequisite needed. </p>

<p>I THINK, that maybe it would look like this;</p>

<p>Instead of needing these credit (just estimates) to “triple major”</p>

<p>Psych 50 credits
Art 50 credits
English 50 credts
Gen Eds ???</p>

<p>It might look like this</p>

<p>Psych 30
Art 30
English 30
Gen Eds 30</p>

<p>So quite a bit of depth, but still a wide range of areas that are studied.</p>

<p>Like I said above, this is just my understanding from reading online and a brief talk with someone at SOAR.</p>


<p>Most people have one major. UW does not have minors (ingeneral, there could be exceptions). Perhaps the majors are more comprehensive (take more credits/courses) than at some schools. There are a few “certificates” available in some subjects which may be like a minor. An undergrad education is to give you depth in one field, plus breadth in a range of others. A second major may take an extra year, more than 2 majors- who knows. It all depends on the majors, AP credits, overlap of majors and how many credits taken per semester. There is a point at which you need to focus on one area- no being a “jack of all trades and master of none”. Many students will change their major before finally settling on one. After a few years of college, even at a great place like UW, most people usually get tired of being an undergrad and want to move on with their lives.</p>

<p>Does anyone have an estimate on how many credit hours would you need to graduate if you double major in those two things?</p>