
<p>Are there any opportunities for students to participate in plays or musicals as an extracurricular, if they aren’t a theatre major? Or are all of these completely limited to those majoring in performance arts?</p>

<p>If not, what about choral groups?</p>

<p>I can’t find anything too helpful on the Bama website…

<p>yes, there are opportunities. i remember them talking about this when we were on the college tour. so non-performance majors can audition for the shows. one of my DD’s roomies auditioned for something, but she didn’t get it.</p>

<p>most definitely</p>

<p>Theatre Tuscaloosa for one. The Mallet Assembly put on a play when I was there. The College of Engineering sometimes does.</p>

<p>I heard that the College of Engineering has a drama group composed of all engineering majors. I believe it’s called “COE does ART.” I think It sounds kind of cool, especially for someone like me who is going to be an Aerospace Engineering major that has done theatre since he was about 7 years old! haha.</p>

<p>COE does ART is a fantastic group!!! My freshman year we did a murder-mystery-musical and this year they have done A Midsummer Night’s Dream and are going to put on Godspell very soon this semester. It’s really a lot of fun, and you don’t need to be in engineering to participate! We love everyone :)</p>


I am so excited to hear this! I don’t have a lot of acting experience, but it’s always been something I’ve really wanted to do. I told myself I would finally get up the nerve to participate during college, but my roommate said she thought that only theater majors could do it. I would definitely love to at least audition for something like this. :slight_smile: Thank you everyone! :)</p>

<p>*COE does ART is a fantastic group!!! *</p>

<p>Yes…my son did a few of these plays. You don’t have to be an eng’g major either.</p>

<p>DS saw a poster from this in the Engineering building while we were on a tour, and was VERY interested. Glad to hear the rave reviews!</p>