Drexel BS/MD Vs Cornell

Help !! Drexel BS/MD program or Cornell (College of Human Ecology) ?
Anyone with any personal experience/thoughts about these choices? Medicine is what I have decided to be my career choice.

The schools are in different leagues (pun intended).

Have you been accepted to both programs?


If you are 100% set on medicine, and the money is manageable, what would be the reason for not doing the Drexel BS/MD? It does require you to keep up your GPA, and there is an MCAT requirement- but it is the average requirement for med school acceptance. Overall, the BS/MD Early Assurance program is the straight line to med school.

If the main reason not to is the starry name of Cornell- once you have the MD that won’t matter in the slightest, and is not a good reason to turn down the BS/MD.

If the main reason not to is that you think that having Cornell UG will help you get into a “better” med school than Drexel- those are not waters that I am walking into! You have to evaluate your own risk tolerance, and the relative merits of the trade-offs between going through the full application process and seeing what you can get into vs the kind of medical career you want (for most, the difference in “prestige” of which medical school is not a career changer).

If the main reason not to is that you really love the HumanEc program at Cornell, and some part of you could see maybe not going down the med school path- that would be a great reason to not do the BS/MD.

If the combined debt of BS/MD is higher than the combined debt of Cornell + typical med school, that would be an excellent reason not to do the BS/MD.

If you’re not sure about med school, then Cornell would be a better option. But if you’re 100% set on medicine then go with the Drexel program. Getting into med school nowadays is extremely competitive.