Driving to Richmd from NE on Sunday of Thanksgiving

<p>Any hints on the traffic scenario on Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend and going to Richmond? If I leave at noon will a 6 hour trip becom 10 hours? Thanks!</p>

<p>It will always be slow between DC and Richmond. Always. I usually leave home (NJ too!) late morning/early afternoon, and while the earlier you leave, the faster it almost always goes, you should be okay for the most part. It usually takes me about 5 hours with only a little bit of traffic, maybe around 6 1/2 if I’m really unlucky or there’s an accident or something. Where in NJ are you coming from?</p>

<p>Txs Urichmond. We’re coming from the Morristown area. It will be our first visit & tour (Monday AM). S is a senior</p>

<p>Oooh! Have fun! I assume you’re staying in a hotel; if so, you might consider leaving maybe two hours earlier to avoid as much traffic as possible, and also be able to relax when you get wherever you’re staying, have dinner at a reasonable hour, etc. Plus, it’ll give you time to make a lunch stop on the way–there’s a nice(r) rest stop right before Baltimore, which is halfway through for me, coming from the Princeton area–and not have to worry about getting back on the road.</p>

<p>Needless to say, I’m interested in hearing how the drive ended up being. I went to KY for the holidays and 64 wasn’t too bad, but 81 was a nightmare and I heard 95 was like a parking lot on Sunday.</p>

<p>95 was pretty horrific. I come from Delaware, so I take 301 down the whole way to avoid DC traffic. But most of my friends here at UR live north of me (NY, NJ, PA) so they take 95 the whole way. Their usually single-digit hour drives all turned into double-digits. I only have to take 95 for the last 25 miles of my trip, and even that was horrible… took about an hour.</p>