Dropping one of three courses...

Hello there,
I was thinking about dropping one of then three courses due to overload of credits.
Currently I’ve registered for 26 credits.
[ Chemistry I +Lab, Computer Science 111 +Lab, Mathematics 152, Physics II +Lab. These are the courses that I will be taking for sure. [17 credits] ]
However I am not sure about these three: Price Theory 202, Macro-economic analysis I, Statistics for Econ & Buss. [total of 9 credits]

When it comes to a certain major, I am not sure whatsoever. However, I am interested in fields of Mathematics anything else that is related to it [therefore I am counting Actuarial Science as a possible major, though not the only major…]

Enough of small talks, I want to know which of those three courses is the easiest to manage? Since the 17 credits I will be bringing enough of head-aches, I do not want to be spending my whole free time studying any of those three economics courses. Please share your experience on the difficulty level of the course (toughness, whether there is a lot to memorize, etc)

Thank you,

@antonashurov1 Are you a current QU student? I would strongly suggest meeting with an academic dean. This way you get accurate advise and someone who is familiar with the curricula for all of the majors you might be interested in.

If you are a QU student I defer to an advisor and suggest you reach out to Dean Paddock at Mary.Paddock@quinnipiac.edu with these questions.

Please let me know if you have other questions and I will do my best to provide answers or direction for you. Best,


Paul M Krsiak '07 '09
Senior Associate Director
Undergraduate Admissions
Quinnipiac University