<p>I am a rising junior who has recently completed his first year at a BS. I like my school very much. The education is top notch, and I enjoy learning. The people are generally much smarter, more interesting, and more passionate than your average sheep. I'm also doing well academically; socially, I'm contented with the paucity of companions I've made, which, given my anti-social, misanthropic personality, is remarkable.</p>
<p>However, since I'm an abysmally lazy and (a)pathetic teenager with an unrivaled dearth of motivation for college and life in general, I feel uncomfortable being at an elite boarding school and seeing my peers trying so hard. It's like, it is mandatory for me to accomplish something amazing with my life to match the prestige of my prep school or something. I only want to live an average life. This is also why I don't want to strive for admission to an elite college, after which I will feel even more pressured to do something worthy of the education I have been privileged enough to receive. </p>
<p>So upon dropping out, I can basically proceed to throw my life away and stuff, without guilt. Not trying makes me feel better because I will not feel compelled to blame myself for failing to live up to the immense opportunities that have been given to me. </p>
<p>I don't know, having a good job after attending a good college is indubitably nice, but I'm not sure if it's worth the efforts and risks of failure + disappointment. I don't even know what I want to become in the future.</p>
<p>Am I just scared? Should I start convincing my parents to let me drop out?</p>