<p>Hey. I am a Female senior at a small private school in Los Angeles that does not rank. I really messed up in my freshman year, but got over it and started doing really well afterward. My weighted GPA 10-12 is 4.11, my weighted GPA 9-12 is 3.7, my unweighted GPA 10-12 is 3.7 and my unweighted GPA 9-12 is 3.3. My SAT score was 2320, with an 800 on writing, 770 on CR and 750 on Math. My SAT 2's were 730 on math2, 680 on Spanish and 690 on lit. I am co-president of student council, have traveled to mexico to build houses, do walks for aids and diabetes and such, tutor kids at my school, and have been on varsity tennis for 4 years. Have a job at the grocery store, and am doing an independent study class on education. Writing a 40 page paper for it. I am an interesting case, as I went to drug rehab and am being open about that in my apps. I am making it more about my parents' divorce though, and am using that to explain my poor grades and trip to rehab. Im not making excuses though, it's just true. I am sober and everything now, taking ALL honors classes, really pulling myself up. was wondering if you could give me any insight as to how my chances are. thanks.</p>
<p>i've heard they have a cocaine problem at Duke. They might be skeptical of a past user. Other than that, though, you seem like an interesting case. Glad you got your head out of the gutter. Good luck!</p>
<p>What's your source, Hdavid? Regardless, I doubt admissions believes Duke has a "cocaine problem". The Chronicle ran an article last week about the drug culture at Duke calling it "not prominent" and noting that drugs acccount for only 3% of student disciplinary violations. </p>
<p>OP, I really messed up my freshman year, wrote about it, got into Duke (and some peer schools). So, I think you have a solid chance. Colleges will dismiss 9th grade gpa if you have strong upward trend. But I think they also put extra weight on your recommendations and essays. So they need to be stellar. Advice on the latter: Be open and truthful, but make sure it's mainly about who you are now and not what happened back then. Best of luck.</p>
<p>It was from an article in Rolling Stone. Not very credible, I know.</p>
<p>Oh man I loved that article... "Sex and Scandal at Duke" I think it was?</p>
<p>haha yes. Really, really turned me off from Duke tho. Maybe I was just looking for an excuse to dislike all you Cameron Crazies after I got rejected.</p>
<p>i have no problem with any article turning people off of duke...early decision.</p>
<p>Haha yes expecto</p>