DS in line for Michigan ticket

<p>Hope all your kids got the email that you could pick up their Michigan tickets at 8am this morning. It’s first come, first serve for 800 tickets. After that, they will be issuing standing room tickets. Evidently, they got less tickets for students than normal for an away game. My DS is in line and said the line is ABSURD!!!</p>

<p>You had to have already requested these tickets, by the way…</p>

<p>Yeah, my D and her friend have been in line for well over an hour now. They are being told that they oversold the tickets. She thought that if you purchased your ticket already, you’d get a seat, but they also have standing room only tickets for those who purchased later. That may not be the case. Still waiting to see for sure :(</p>

<p>WHEW, DS stood in line for over 2 hours, but he HAS a seat! Rose, I was a little upset when I saw the email that some of the kids that reserved a ticket might get standing room tickets. According to the ticket office, they didn’t expect Cowboy stadium to only give them 800 student tickets. They said they get many more for away games in much smaller stadiums…</p>

<p>Yeah, that’s pretty ridiculous! That stadium is huge. I haven’t heard back from her, so she must still be waiting. I read the email. It was a little vague. Since we paid $50, she figured she had a seat and the $35 ones were offered after she bought hers. Oh, well, guess we’ll just see what happens. Her friend has class in 30 minutes, so hopefully the line will move start moving quicker!</p>

<p>Just talked to D…she just stepped out of line because they only have standing room only tix left even though she paid for a seat…hmmm no longer an option. She said they offered her a full refund or a $15 refund for the downgrade…she and her sorority sisters are evaluating the situation. They had planned a road trip to stay with a girls family who resides in Dallas…they are now thinking that they will take the $50…go shopping at Highland Park and throw a watch party at the girl’s house. Oh my!</p>

<p>Ugh, D just called. They didn’t get tickets either. They should really do the ticket pickups on the weekends. Her friend ended up missing her 10:00 class. After waiting for more than 2 hours, she didn’t want to just walk away. Apparently they didn’t know they had run out until they got close to the front. Wow, so glad we didn’t buy plane tickets to Dallas!!</p>

<p>Lame! So sorry for those stiffed by this process. :(</p>

<p>Let me tell you…this is an absolute fiasco of the highest order. It all starts with Jerry. The minimum capacity of that stadium is over 80,000 and they give us 800 tickets - ONE PERCENT - of that for students. Are you kidding me?</p>

<p>But the real culprit here is the AD and ticket office. They sold tickets based on an assumption when they could have easily waited for real numbers. They let people go on for MONTHS thinking they had a seat in the bottom corner. They never once said they oversold and instead of re-offering the tickets by credit hours, they came up with this first-come, first-serve system that screws over students with early classes and caused hundreds of people to be in line an hour early.</p>

<p>Make no mistake: that email was not written vaguely by accident. It was specifically crafted to avoid directly saying that they screwed up. They sent it two days before the pick-up day (as if they didn’t know earlier) and worded it so it could be interpreted at least three ways - and of course, most people assumed the school wouldn’t betray them so they guessed one of the nicer options.</p>

<p>The idea that there are sophomores out there who leave games at halftime with tickets while loyal grad students get to go to the stadium and watch the game on the big screen makes my blood boil. I got screwed (meant to get in line at 7, overslept to 8, and bailed after half an hours) but there are much worse stories.</p>

<p>The worst I’ve seen is the guy who waited EIGHT HOURS and was second in line. He wasn’t even getting the tickets for himself; they were for his fiancee and a friend of hers. They called on Friday and were assured he could pick them up by proxy as long as they emailed the ticket office. Unfortunately, he didn’t get a name, and was denied. He waited eight hours for nothing. His fiancee is stuck with a worthless SRO ticket and I saw him post in a thread for some first-level tickets at $300 a pop.</p>

<p>I myself am now going to be driving to Birmingham to pick up two significantly worse tickets for four times as much as I paid. And I’ll probably end up giving away the SRO ticket at the stadium or selling it for like $5 because NOBODY WANTS STANDING ROOM. I would NOT have paid $50 or even $35 to get an SRO ticket. I’m going to demand a full refund. Hopefully they give it to me to make me go away. But realistically, I’m SOL and paid $45 ($10 “service fee”) for a worthless ticket.</p>

<p>Please, everyone email them and tell them this is unacceptable. There are a dozen ways they could have handled this correctly and they did everything wrong. They didn’t care if we got bad tickets as long as they got their money. This is an atrocity and there is no excuse for this kind of incompetence. Somebody should be fired.</p>

<p>I’m lucky to have a job where I could work around the ticket distribution schedule. Still, I waited an hour and a half to get a refund as my time at UA apparently isn’t worth an actual seat while people who got the re-offered seats and arrived hours before distribution got the seats. What was the point of even buying a ticket 4+ months ago?</p>

<p>I’m on the fence about being able to get a full refund, but still no receipt. At least UA Athletics would have been penalized if the credit card companies had to do chargebacks for goods not delivered as promised.</p>

<p>With the companies I usually deal with, a fiasco like this would usually result in a formal apology, a full refund, and a small gift for my time and 4 months’ worth of float on my money. Unless things change, I’m only getting the full refund (which was admittedly easier than expected.)</p>

<p>My D and her friends are all in the SRO boat, but making the best of it. What makes them mad is that they all opted in the first time the tickets were offered and then the ticket office offered two more opt in times. Their feeling is that the people who bought the tickets first should get the first crack at the tickets. Also, it’s crazy to penalize students for going to class. I know that Jerry Jones caused the root of this problem, but I agree with the others that UA messed up on this one!</p>

<p>DEFINITELY handled badly by all involved. Sorry to the kids that didn’t get tickets! I had DS up early this morning in fear of this happening. He’s one of the 800 lucky ones and he WILL be using his ticket!</p>

<p>So has anyone heard what if anything they are doing for the big game on the UA campus? a watching party in Bryant Denny? something at the Ferg?
I am sure the kids will be watching in their own groups but it just seems that for a big game like this on the first weekend of the season UA would hold something…</p>