Dual Major?

Is it possible to Dual Major in Criminal Justice and International Relations at Alabama while also participating in the Honors College in 4 years? How would this conflict with the requirement of minors for either degree, maybe it’s possible to substitute?

It is pretty much possible to do anything at UA…

Are you asking if it’s possible to do a double major. Yes…it’s possible. If you’re asking if it’s possible to do that exact double major, I don’t know. You would need to look at the requirements for both majors, and then see if you need a minor for each major. Are those two majors in the same college? Look at the current academic catalog, learn what requirements are needed, learn if these majors each need a minor, and then speak directly to an advisor from the respective departments. This should give you all the information you need.

Here is more info on Dual Majors:
Dual Majors
A dual major program is a program in which two departments within a single college or two departments from two different colleges have formally agreed to allow a student to follow a condensed pathway, sharing specific courses pertinent to both majors. This allows the student to complete the two majors in less time than it would take to earn them separately. More specifically, dual majors are predetermined, lock-step programs defined by the two areas of interest and not self-devised. Some overlap of coursework use is allowed. Dual majors must be approved by the Office of Academic Affairs.

How would this conflict with the requirement of minors



Are you req’d to do any particular minor? If not, then wouldn’t the second major count for the minor?

Are you coming in with any AP credits? If you’re asking if you can finish in 4 years, that would make a difference.