Duke Accepts 648 Early Decision Applicants

<p>Duke</a> Accepts 648 Early Decision Applicants | Duke Today</p>

<p>I thought there would be a bit more accepted. I am so nervous. Good luck guys!</p>

<p>693 were deferred.</p>

<p>Wow. This certainly is not encouraging news.
To summarize the article:</p>

<p>2,641 applied ED
648 students admitted (526 Trinity, 122 Pratt), 693 deferred, 1300 rejected
30% persons of color, 7% International</p>

<p>Acceptance rate: All time record low of 24.5% (down from 29.2% in 2010)</p>

<p>New York, California, North Carolina, Florida and Texas are the states with the greatest representation among students admitted through Early Decision.</p>

<p>States with the largest increases in admits are Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri and South Carolina.</p>

<p>So exciting!!!</p>

<p>All time low… great… well those who do get in should feel honored!!</p>

<p>I’m scared by the number admitted to Pratt…only 122. WOW. </p>

<p>Needless to say, now I am more nervous than ever before.</p>

<p>Thanks :frowning: </p>




<p>While the number sounds small, that’s actually a higher acceptance rate than Trinity (which is typical as Pratt is more self-selecting). 354 applied early to Pratt last year, Chronicle reported 16% increase this year = 410 applicants this year. </p>

<p>122/410 = 29.8% acceptance rate for Pratt. </p>

<p>Trinity ED acceptance rate ~22.6%.</p>

<p>(Numbers must be slightly off because I’m calculating 2732 applications based on % increases whereas there were actually 2716 applications).</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>That actually does make me feel better…thank you bluedog!</p>

<p>I’m hoping alot of athletes want to be engineers! Not gonna happen. :/</p>

<p>I wonder how NY and CA got more admits than NC even though they each had less applicants.</p>

<p>Wow they accepted like 30-40 international students… Sorry if this is irrelevant to you guys but its relevant to me haha</p>

<p>anyone here from virginia?</p>

<p>Anyone here from New York?</p>

<p>What makes someone a student “of color”? Are Aisans considered to be “of color?”</p>

<p>^I assume so.</p>