Duke Class of 2027 Official Thread

We’re close to NC. Pretty sure this package is not related to Duke though b/c it now says it will be delivered 3/30.


Ok, we won’t give up hope yet :sweat_smile:


What area are you from? Maybe they are uploading by region?

Maybe they are updating slate in batches. What area are you from?

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None from NC for us, but there’s one from CA for an Apr 3rd delivery, from Auctane Shipstation (stamps.com is a product of theirs) :grinning: :grinning: Now, I’ll hope its from Stanford, lol. Just kidding… I don’t think they’ll send acceptance letters before the decision day…ha!

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I do hope those who can see packages delivery get in. I know Duke sends gift to those who are accepted.

I know I am not going to get in as I never received any communication from duke. No package to be expected (checked online, NONE)

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Thats exactly what we have from North Carolina! “AUCTANE STAMPS.COM.” and they absolutely do ship before acceptances go out - my sons college, a few days before acceptances came out last year, posted a pic of all of the admissions officers standing in front of the post office with bins full of admissions letters and a sign that said “Welcome 2026”. OMG I am keping my fingers crossed that yours is Stanford!!!

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We’re southeast. Judging by “Parent-in-Georgia’s” screen name, region isn’t the determiner : ) Quickly losing any optimism!


or UCB. We’re waiting on both. Its from Campbell, CA… and that’s in the Bay Area… maybe this package is something random… who knows… but I can’t wait for all this to be over.

Is anyone seeing “ivy dad” in all the ivy chats??


Massachusetts. For what it’s worth, slate last sync’ed 3/29 7am ET

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how sre you checking?

Two incredible schools! I definitely will say a prayer to the admissions gods its not just some random package. Has the post office taken posession of it yet? or is it pending? I just had to go back to my amazon account to make sure I didnt order anything in my sleep the last few days :rofl:

What does your slate say? Also, did you have 2 or 3 addresses in your portal?

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where are the addresses located on the portal?? i can’t seem to find mine even once

they’re gone now, but they were under app details and updates previously

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It’s a package from Etsy, not from Stanford or UCB - confirmed :grinning:


If anyone who’s gotten a likely wouldn’t mind sharing their current status on slate, we’d love to know. This is D’s dream school, so we’re trying to hold onto hope/manage expectations. It seems like nearly everyone on this thread has had their status changed. Ours was synced this morning at 7 but no change in status.


im from michigan and my slate has been on applicant/complete for months and it changed or current decision/decided on 3/29 @ 7:06 AM. Hopefully this isnt a bad sign.

Does anyone know anything from the ED round or last year’s RD applicants?


I got a likely and it currently says “current decision” under the complete tab.