Duke Early Decision for Fall 2023

Yes but between now and April 1 is a big window of time. Are they reviewing me in mid march or might they have already reviewed me last week?

Why does it matter?

The onus should be in the university to verify attendance, not the student that paid and did the work of filling out the application. The student has the responsibility to find the school with the best fit/ offer. Based on 2021 applicants at $95 each, the school made over $1,225,000 just in application fees. Mostly by casing a wide net of students hopes. I think these schools can afford to follow up with desired applicants. They could also cap applications. So the ‘deserving’ student that did not get in should take up the lack of accountability with the university, not the other student. Sadly it is quite a money making game higher education plays.

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Because you can send updates and updated grades

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You should send what’s they need for an RD review. They usual ask for mid-year grades (which they don’tneed for ED.). Part of the reason folks are deferred is because the schools want to see an updated record. So get them what they need asap.

Hiccups meant a couple of B+s on her mid-term grades.

The rejection/deferral result in ED/EA this year is widespread - not just in your community.

Congratulations to your daughter! My son is at Princeton, and has many friends on the mens and womens track teams. She will love it there! If you have any questions about the campus, student life, etc. feel free to PM me. I have a current HS senior who is also waiting on a bunch of decisions, including Duke. Best of luck to your son with his decisions!

Did anyone get a notification from USPS a few days before acceptance package came in the mail from Duke?