<p>I’m currently stressing over choosing between berkeley’s electrical engineering program or duke’s. I’m gonna be in the eecs program at berk if i choose it and the pratt school of engineering at Duke if i go there. Give me some input please. I’m getting desperate. I’m leaning toward Duke a little but it’s so expensive.</p>
<p>Why Duke? (especially because of the cost)</p>
<p>Like I told some guy deciding between UCLA and Duke, the locations are so different, think about which one you would prefer. City in 4th largest metro area in the US or 40th? Where are you from and what do you like/not like about it?</p>
<p>i'm from the san jose area so i feel like berkeley might be too much of the same old same old. duke presents me with a new environment and new types of people but i'm questioning whether that experience is worth all that extra money. I also get the idea that if I go to eecs at berk, I'm going to end up spending all my time in the lab studying and being very pale.</p>
<p>Nah that probably won't happen. Yeah, the courses will be tough, but I'm sure you can party a decent amount if you manage your time well enough. Anyway hard classes will probably make you learn more, thus giving you a great education for a cheaper price.</p>
<p>Personally, I think SF is wayyy different compared to gray, depressing San Jose (no offense, I just really don't like visiting San Jose.)</p>
<p>well.. i just chose berkeley a couple of minutes ago. It was getting down to the nitty gritty and i decided that Duke was simply too expensive. I guess there's no looking back now. But still.. it woulda been exciting being a blue devil.</p>
<p>Good choice!...welcome to the class of '09!!! Even if you can afford a private college tuition, saving more than 80k sure is nice. People always argue that the 160k investment is worth it in the long run, but when the quality of teaching is comparable like in this case, you're better off just choosing the cheaper and equally prestigious Cal. So yay good choice!</p>