Duke waitlist 2026

Good luck everyone :slight_smile: wait list = qualified
so pat on the back and may be for grad school


also did u call the admission office at duke or your local AO

I called the one at duke and she picked up saying that she was so and so at duke in Durham, NC

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Thanks much :slight_smile:
Good luck with everything

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Good luck to you too!!! Everyone here’ll do amazing things whether they end up at duke or not!!!


I just spoke with the AO on call at Duke and she stated that they “completed filling the class of 2026.” She also said she is “surprised an email has not gone out yet stating the waitlist is closed.” She then stated that “nobody should expect much movement,” but that if a student who accepted decides to change their mind because “they came off a waitlist at another school, that spots may become available.” She then stated that an e-mail should come soon or within a few weeks. So, while she says the list is closed, it really isn’t.

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So I spoke to a college counselor about the waitlist …they said AO are not supposed to provide any information specially on the phone and sometimes just to get people off the communication they say where technically they can’t call it closed unless the portal says so … that being said I really don’t know
But it’s a Very slim chance and time to move on

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My sense is that the situation is far worse than what you’re being told. A key objective of any institution is to ensure that people maintain interest and always have a warm impression. So, as with most things in life, the answer is never really “no”, but rather just “not now”. As I’m sure you’re being counseled, I think it’s time to start developing loyalty to whatever outstanding institution to which you’re heading.


Make sense :slight_smile:
Grad school next lol

I think wl is closed now

Did u get email from Duke stating that it is closed? My daughter’s portal appears to be closed so I think you are right. Did your portal change?

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What my DD22 texted a mutual friend who was also WL to Duke. She said I could share here if anyone was curious…

“I did not apply to Duke, but a classmate did, first deferred, then WL and then came off the WL this week. Not sure of specifics ie: moved off of larger to targeted/smaller WL, LOCIs, etc. I was told both by the classmate accepted and GC when talking about two WL I am still currently on but not holding out any hope for, I made my final decision.

Sorry I don’t have further information. I know this may not be personally helpful to you, but I sensed the stress from your text. Please stay positive, people do come off in late summer. I personally had no luck with the other schools I was WL for whose list closed, but clearly it’s possible.”

I followed up with DD this am, the student hasn’t made their mind up if they are attending.

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