Duke waitlist 2026


Yup same

my ao emailed me today but hasn’t mentioned anything about when the waitlist would be moving :sob:

What did they say?

No news

So are more emails comin out today?

it was just some stuff about my update material

i hope so :sob:

I emailed in an update and my ao didnt reply at all lol

Where are you going to school if not duke?

im not sure yet, i thought emory but im considering unc now (oops) duke is my dream school though

Im going to unc!! U should totally come to chapel hill

Got waitlisted by Nicholas school. Anyone heard anything yet?

Same here. Going to chapel hill

Wow really? Are u in state?


Thats dope ill see u in the fall

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has anyone gotten anything?

Looks like you got off the WL at UNC?! Congrats! I hope you get to see it before committing–but both are great schools

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So I just got off the phone with my ao and she said that they are planning on officially closing the waitlist next week and she doesn’t think that they’ll take anyone off anymore.:broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart: I was trying to be more optimistic but I guess this is it