Dumb beauties? : Miss USA 2008

These girls are supposed to be role models for young women like me... can't believe that only 3 of those 51 gorgeous women attended top 51 universities...
Why can't you believe it? MANY people don't attend the top 51 colleges.</p>

<p>so 3 out of 51 would be roughly 6 percent of the ladies went to a top 51 university. i doubt 6 percent of the population is/has attended a top 51 university</p>

<p>Haha we all think that CC is a good representation of the US. Where NOT attending a top 51 university is <em>such such such</em> a shocker.</p>

sorry.. the thread went completely wrong.</p>

<p>k1man is the only person who understood me.</p>

<p>I am from France so my point of view might be different.</p>

<p>These girls are supposed to be role models for young women like me... can't believe that only 3 of those 51 gorgeous women attended top 51 universities...


<p>I see what your point is, actually that's the first thing that come into my mind when I read your post. Of course, many Americans don't like it if you label them as dumb if they can't attend top 51 college. You see it's just different here in CC, you have to be somewhat politically correct. Otherwise people will start calling you dumb, idiot, ignorant and stuff (they assume you came from the same cultural mindset as them, pardon the irony) :) </p>

What percentage of the US population do you consider dumb?


<p>like the rest of the world, I think the majority of people in the world are dumb but the US has less percentage of dumb people compared to the average world dumb population. Call me ignorant but education is only for the privileged and so caused many people to be uneducated and dumb. I feel lucky to be able to get some schooling.</p>

<p>Just curious to see what others have to say...
What exactly does the word dumb mean to you?
What characteristics would a person have to have for you to consider them to be dumb?</p>

<p>gotta be careful here at CC OP, u're navigating a minefield blindfolded...</p>

<p>in this case u shud have used relatively less academically inclined...anyway point taken =)</p>

relatively less academically inclined


<p>whoa you're good longbowmen. Poli-sci major ?:p</p>

<p>i dont necessarily agree w/ the idea of measuring smartness by what college you go to,</p>

<p>but I think these pageants are very bad ideas. You're rewarding people [more specifically young women] for their looks over everything else & quite a few of the contestants are quite dumb. Do you realize the message that this sends society about women? that looks matter more than personality & that women should be judged by their looks. I find that incredibly demeaning</p>

<p>Unfortunatly, we live in a world where "dumb", naive, or crazy Americans get all the spotlight.</p>

<p>Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears, are some of our most famous celebrities that especially appeal to teens. Im sure there are a lot more too</p>

Do you realize the message that this sends society about women? that looks matter more than personality & that women should be judged by their looks.


<p>Uh...that the pretty ones are...pretty? Come on. You know better. Who else are they going to put up on the television screen in skimpy bikinis? Pageants are beauty contests; I doubt too many people actually believe this "role model" nonsense. It's prettiest wins and fun entertainment for everyone!</p>

<p>To a degree, everyone's judged by looks. Looks are a part of someone; perhaps less important than personality or intelligence or whatnot, but it's still undeniably a part of them. In no way is pageantry representative of how everyone should think.</p>

<p>And really, some ivy leaguers get the spotlight! America's Next Top model! Brown girl (YaYa DaCosta), Yale girl (Victoria Marshman), and Cornell girl (Katarzyna Dolinska)!</p>

Do you realize the message that this sends society about women? that looks matter more than personality & that women should be judged by their looks.

You do realize that this <em>is</em> how society works, right? Guys place much more value on women's looks than vice versa.</p>