Dumb beauties? : Miss USA 2008

<p>Only 3 of the 51 contestants who vied for the Miss USA 2008 title have attended a Top 51 national university for undegraduate studies according to US NEWS Ranking whilst 3 out of 51 have attended Community College.</p>

<p>I'm shocked. Wow.</p>

<p>My daughter does not attend a top 51 national university. She had a 32 ACT and excellent scholarships to a non top 51. Does that make her dumb in your estimation?</p>

<p>What does this have to do w/ transferring?</p>

<p>Is your daughter a Miss USA 2008 contestant? Point stands.</p>

<p>"Lauren Caitlin Upton" -- enough said.</p>

<p>Edit: I don't get the point of this thread either, it was just a good excuse to link this video:</p>

<p>YouTube</a> - Miss Teen USA South Carolina 2007 with Subtitles</p>

<p>No she isn't. But the assumption that someone is dumb because they do not attend a top 51 is - well - dumb.</p>

"Lauren Caitlin Upton" -- enough said.


<p>I actually thought this thread was going to be about her. There is an ad airing regularly on TV right now with that awful clip - I have to punch the mute button because it just makes me cringe.</p>

<p>first of all, this has NOTHING to do w/ transferring, second of all, who cares... i agree with swimcatsmom, i dont attend a top 51, am i stupid?
"whilst 3 out of 51 have attended Community College" so what? not everybody deems their life's worth on whether they attended a "top 51" university. did you expect to see the contest dominated by ivy league grads? i could go on and on, the point is that you are an idiot</p>

<p>Man, I'll be at the 52nd college next year I've gotta be stupid!!</p>

<p>This is like going to a bodybuilding forums and saying how all these politicians/doctors/top 51 national univeristy students are out of shape.</p>

<p>"Wow, how can you not be so concious about your own body!??!"</p>

<p>isn't that a given burgler...? you have to draw the line somewhere? I think those people that go to schools with ranks 30-51 should be grateful we even consider them "smart".</p>


<p>That video is painful to watch... "The Iraq..." lol :D</p>

<p>The OP wins at flawed logic?</p>

<p>I'm going to have to side with the majority on this one.
You're either suggesting people who don't attend the top 51 universities are dumb, or students who attend community college are dumb.
Those women should be commended for making an effort at achieving higher education, be it community college or "top 51" colleges. </p>

<p>As far as Miss Teen USA South Carolina goes, I assumed she was rambling on because she was nervous.</p>

<p>in all seriosness though</p>

<p>i dont think the op meant to insult the others, as i read she goes to a CC herself, but i think what shes getting at is that paegent winners should be well educated in pretigious schools espeically if they representing a lot of people</p>

<p>"Dumb beauties". Yet if these girls took an IQ test, they'd likely all be above average.</p>

<p>sorry.. the thread went completely wrong.</p>

<p>k1man is the only person who understood me.</p>

<p>I am from France so my point of view might be different.</p>

<p>These girls are supposed to be role models for young women like me... can't believe that only 3 of those 51 gorgeous women attended top 51 universities...</p>

<p>I still don't understand you. Why can't they be role models just because they didn't attend "top universities"?</p>

<p>Well no offense but most of them are quite dumb. And when we put them on the big screen it's like we're saying to the kids that watch these shows that all that's important is being pretty and have nice dresses when there is so much more.</p>

Well no offense but most of them are quite dumb. And when we put them on the big screen it's like we're saying to the kids that watch these shows that all that's important is being pretty and have nice dresses when there is so much more.

What percentage of the US population do you consider dumb?</p>