Dumb Blackboard Question

<p>(I already received an excellent answer over at the FB group, but I figure it couldn’t hurt to get confirmation…after all, I have OCD, and I need all the confirmation I can get, LOL.)</p>

<p>OK, my son (a junior) is taking a class, CL385 (History of Greece), in which he is doing extremely well – 101.5 on his midterm, 94 on term paper, works out to an A+ average. Well…this particular professor gives occasional “bonus map quizzes” for extra credit. They are strictly extra credit…they can only help, not hurt. But Blackboard gives my son’s Bonus Map Quiz score as .085/100. It is supposed to be .085/1 – this is a teeny little map quiz that is worth a possible ONE point in extra credit, period! However, since Blackboard has erroneously posted this as .085 out of 100, it looks as if my son’s average is 65, not 98! (Blackboard gives him a total score of 196.33 out of 300 – it is supposed to be out of 200!) HELP!! Will this somehow cause a glitch and affect his final grade? Should he contact someone to have the miscalculation corrected? I mean–who ever heard of being penalized for extra credit? What should we do? Thanks in advance, y’all, and ROLL TIDE!!!</p>

<p>I have faced similar extra credit situations in the past, although not to the detrimental extent that your son has. All of those were duly fixed by the professors when calculating the final grade. My outlook, though, is that if the professor has not publicly acknowledged this error, I would contact them personally. You should have nothing to worry about!</p>
