[Dyersburg State Community College] Are there future careers in robotics and agriculture?

I am a college drop-out who wants to go back to college to get certification in something either related to robotics, computer science, or agriculture, and I am trying to decide what my major and minor are going to be at the Dyersburg State Community college. I plan to email some of the professors about it, but I want to ask here, as well.

I have been teaching myself web development through FreeCodeCamp so I can do freelance work online, but want to expand upon my knowledge about computers and robotics so that I may have more career opportunities. I’ve heard that robotics is becoming increasingly important in agriculture, and I live in a largely rural area, West Tennessee. I think that if I learn a lot about robotics, programming, and agriculture, there could be a lot of future opportunities for me and others in West Tennessee, but I am not certain.

What would make for a better major?