<p>Going back a page- I got snow in September, October, and November. Oh, and June.</p>
<p>If I get in, I want to major in international studies, and maybe a classics minor, I'm not sure about the minor yet. :)</p>
<p>Going back a page- I got snow in September, October, and November. Oh, and June.</p>
<p>If I get in, I want to major in international studies, and maybe a classics minor, I'm not sure about the minor yet. :)</p>
<p>Submitted by mail (postmarked) on Sept 28, recieved by Chicago Nov 4, still being processed but promised for EA</p>
<p>I'd like to major in economics, minor in mathematics if I do get in but I heard it's gonna be harder because of their decision to go with the Common App.</p>
<p>Biology! Hoping to concentrate in either genetics or neuroscience. That should keep me occupied, but i might double it up with philosophy. O yea, and a minor in creative writing. ;P</p>
<p>thegreentrombone and i might be good friends at U of C lol... man u chose the exact same courses i wanted to do!... just added poli sci instead of econ lol... crasian i wish they had a pure cog sci/neurosci program... biology is soo much useless memorizing and regurgitation of facts... i rather learn to train a monkey to do that course (no offense to anyone lol)... hahah just playin (a little) lol</p>
<p>Biochem majors:</p>
<p>I really considered going for Biochem, but I'm concerned with its content:
Is it more math, like Chem, or more memorizing, like Bio?</p>
<p>...weird, huh? Anyone?</p>