EA/ED WPI Class of 2025

For those that got in and received the Presidential Scholarship: is that Early Action or Early Decision? cc: @NateandAllisMom @MMCA3dogs @ekstam1105

Also, any applicant stats would be great!

My son got in with Presidential Merit Scholarship. YAY!!! Best of luck to everyone else out there who’s waiting.


SAT - 1520
Top 5% in class with decent ECs


Congrats everyone! My S accepted EA with Presidential scholarship too. $16k/year which makes it still kinda pricey for us, but we’ll see! I hope he gets to visit!!


EA stats above.

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SAT 1490
GPA 105 Weighted/98 Unweighted (Out of 100)
Top 10%
$16,000 Aid
For their tuition, there is no way to be able to afford this. Hoping that after getting other offers we can try and push them to give more.


My daughter just received her acceptance with a Presidential Scholarship as well.

Congrats to everyone!


We receive the same amount…was hoping for more.

My son just received his acceptance with Presidential Scholarship as well.
ACT 33
GPA 3.98 UW, 4.75 W
No rank
$16,000 Merit Aid

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3.7 UW gpa no ranking

She didn’t take SATs

Founded an engineering club at her school and has other good ECs

Won an environmental science award as a junior which is traditionally given to a senior. As a result of award same teacher nominated her for an internship for an environmental organization in which she has been very active

She also works p/t

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Oh and she was EA

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Applied EA
top 5% of class
4.357 w gpa and 3.729 uw gpa
applied for data science
41k per year of scholarships I got the Presidential and WPI scholarship.


Does it say your major in the acceptance letter, mine doesn’t?

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If it makes you feel any better, my son was offered a Presidential Scholarship of 14.5K per year. However, the financial aid offer also included an additional $10,920 listed as WPI scholarship…I know the Presidential Scholarship is renewable, but I’m not sure about the WPI one. Either way, the net cost is probably more than we are willing to pay especially with another student in college at the same time. We’ll have to wait and see what other colleges offer and make a choice then.


Son got in! WIth Pres scholarship. He is pretty stoked. Not sure we can afford it though. Will have 3 in college at 1 time. If we can swing it, this is his first choice. His stats: Test optional, gpa 4.2, a decent amount of extra curricular, as well as a job.


No extra in our financial aid offer unfortunately. No worries, he has lots of great choices and even with an additional 10-15k this one will more than likely not make the cut due to cost.

That stinks. In our experience financial aid packages can help to narrow down the choices a bit. I know it did for my daughter who is now a junior in college. Prior to logging in to the portal today, my son mentioned that admitted or not he wouldn’t be disappointed. I don’t think he was 100% certain that WPI would be the school for him. Seeing the net price even after the 25k in scholarships, I think will likely solidify his decision. He’s received 2 other acceptances so far with another 7 to go. There will be other schools. Wishing your child all the best. The perfect school is definitely out there. :blush:

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Thanks for your input. He already has 6 (this makes 7)acceptances with a couple offering full or almost full tuition merit (and others we haven’t received financials from). His top choices we won’t hear from until 2021. His feelings right now are fairly neutral regarding WPI as he hasn’t been able to see it and he gets nothing from the virtual tours. He cast a wide web with many more applications than we originally had planned but with Covid, he didn’t want to eliminate any that he might like but didn’t know. He will have some good decisions when the time comes!

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Sounds like he has great options!

Congrats !! Wow 41k per year ? That seems awesome or you meant 41k for 4 years ?