EA/ED WPI Class of 2025

Should Need-Based aid been stated with admission or is that at a later date?

My son (senior) applied as and was accepted as an ECE major and will be graduating as one in May. My daughter, a Freshman, applied and was accepted as IMGD but isn’t going to stay with that. You can change your major without applying to the different departments. At the end of B term Freshman year is when they were asked to confirm, change or declare majors, but it really doesn’t lock you in, it never did (I’m an alumni from the 80s, I changed my major a couple times, ended up graduating as an Electrical Engineer before they had ECE). You can change your mind and I’ve seen people change their mind almost at the end right before their MQP which, isn’t that cutting it close?? LOL!

Edited to add: I think the confusion might be in relation to other colleges where you apply to specific departments. When you state a major on your WPI application it’s not written in stone as it were. It’s not once you’re a CS always a CS or once a ME always a ME. You can decide you want to be a CS major even if you came in as a ME and take the courses, change your major and you’re a CS. You won’t be kicked out of a program because too many people are in that department. WPI really operates as one school not particular majors and I think that’s what is meant by not admitting by majors.

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Need based came in a little bit later if I recall correctly.

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Congratulations tptptp! For clarification, I see the Presidential Scholarship on the web site, but not the WPI Scholarship. Is that a need based award or merit?

Presidential is merit.

I heard someone say the WPI Scholarship is need-based, I’m not sure though.

This explains some of the various aid packages:

edited to add top level link: https://www.wpi.edu/admissions/tuition-aid/types-of-aid

Need based came at the same time as EA admission for my son.

I can’t remember for sure so I’d take @WPIGapYearMom advice! Check financial aid tabs and if you don’t see anything I’d contact the financial aid office.

Thank you! He found out on Dec 15. So excited!

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Early Action. My son applied EA and heard back on Dec 15.

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Son accepted. Presidential Scholarship of 14.5/yr. We are happy yet disappointed. I suspect the surge in applications from those carrying over froM the pandemic will have a lot to do all of our 2021 admissions results. This also includes differed student acceptance from 2020.

Unless we find more $, he will not be going to WPI.

Daughter was accepted
Presidential Award $32k yearly
EA 1
GPA 95 UW Honors, college level and many AP classes
SAT 1420
No official ranking, but in top 8%
Lots of community service hours
Music Honors Society
Art club, Newspaper club
So my son is currently a Sophomore. He had about the same average, heavily involved in Robotics, and was a FIRST team captain of his software section. He actually won runner up for his Innovation in design video and received $20,000 from WPI. However for merit he receives $11k yearly. So because he is a male, he receives half as much money as his sister. Which is common for WPI. Also they do not offer more money or less based on the major you are interested in, since you do not declare your major until later, and you can change your major easily if you want to. My son loves the quarter system. This year they did a great job of keeping the kids safe, but I saw that many incoming freshman suffered from the isolation, and lack of in person classes. One thing I will confirm is that my son was not a fan of their food, and although he had to be on a meal plan as a freshman, he quickly picked a dorm that had a kitchen this year, so he didn’t have to buy more food on campus. (He is not a picky eater, but did not like the choices nor the repetition of the meals)


Thanks for all this info – very helpful!!

I applied EA II and I just got a package in the mail about being a part of Project Gompei. I’m an international student so I’m confused why they would send me a package halfway across the world during covid, especially if its not an acceptance letter and just a bunch of stickers. I’m confused; is this a good sign???

interesting we are in NY son applied EAII have not heard a peep.

Soccer coach told my son EA2 will be around the 15th.


i got in!! wow didnt expect this one at all



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thank u sm! <3

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